Sunday, September 17, 2017

Obit, the movie...

This weekend, we went out to see a documentary called “Obit”. It featured the way obituaries come to life at the New York Times, driven by a team of writers who are crafting the live stories of people that are more or less famous.

This process is filled with time-pressures, painstaking research, creativity, sometimes errors; occasionally, they'll even write an obituary in advance so can be pulled out from their files, updated and brought in to press at a moment's notice.

What the New York Time does is simply exceptional. While the idea behind this film was great, the execution could have been more streamlined, perhaps made a bit shorter and less boring.

This said, my take-away was that we should all write our own obituaries in advance of our passing, so they fully reflect who we really are and what we think we have accomplished – or not during our earthly passage!

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