Thursday, June 14, 2018

“Deep Fake”

When I woke up this morning in Park City, the sky was a perfect blue and I had nothing to worry about, or so it seemed. It was before I read in Bloomberg, a piece explaining what “deep fakes” are.

Fake news on the internet aren't new, but we're now talking here about videos created by using artificial intelligence, so they can seem realistic, but show events or statement that are totally made up. If you don't know what's behind them, these clips can confuse the hell out of you.

According to that article, these forgeries are fairly easy to produce. As an example, you can see below former president Barack Obama delivering an entirely fabricated speech.

Russian fake news spread through Facebook have already derailed the American 2016 presidential election. Because people trust videos more than anything else that problem could get worse, as hoax clips may become part of some devious political campaigns.

Now, we've got something serious to worry about!

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