Sunday, September 26, 2021

Is America becoming a theocracy?

Since Reagan was in power, the religious right has been gradually seeping into our US government and is now flooding it. 

In fact, the Christian Right has become the leading force in the GOP or Republican Party, and has since became extremely influential, often leading the way in the manner the United States is governed. 

So while it’s a bit of a stretch to claim America is a full-blown theocracy like Israel or Iran, it has become, for the most part, a half-version of what we see in these countries and in my own state of Utah.

At the moment, with a mostly Catholic Supreme Court and its majority view set on destroying any part of law that is against Christian doctrine, we seem headed into reaching a full-blown theocracy status.

It seems that when they wrote the Constitution, the famous “American Founding Fathers” tried to strike a balance between introducing a form of enlightenment and protecting religious liberty. They created in fact a religious constitution, maybe more Deist than Christian but still with some idea of God inside. 

Initially, religious liberty wasn’t in the Constitution when it was ratified, but instead added into the Bill of Rights. For hard-core Christians, the battle began when the Constitution failed to include Christianity as the official religion of the land, and obviously their efforts to go in that direction continued unabated. 

Time is probably on the side of the Christian’s Right; history demonstrates that radical shifts in political systems can take decades to build but they eventually happen. Theocracy might then be the new alternative competing against other forms of tyrannical systems like China and Russia’s.

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