Thursday, September 30, 2021

The convergence of AI, automation and pyjama-lifestyle

I have already touched on the "de-pyjamazation" of America, and all the resistance and pain this return to normality is likely to imply for a large number of workers, worldwide. 

For more than 18 months, these teleworkers have been sheltered from visibility, except for the times they had to be seen on Zoom or other video-conference tool, and as a result many have been developing bad working habits that may have significantly impacted their productivity as a whole. 

If there has been no direct consequences so far, it’s just because their employers were to busy riding the pandemic storm and preparing for an after-Covid-19 era. 

In fact, getting ready for a re-entry into normality might become quite painful as it will coincide with even more automation and more artificial intelligence than ever before, poured onto what is likely to become tomorrow’s new, more efficient workplace. 

This evidently will mean far less jobs opening and an opportunity for employers, as they begin sorting out the productive elements of a team and getting rid of those who’ve been cruising all along, embracing and taking full advantage of what will soon become two years in “hiding”...

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