Sunday, October 6, 2024

Leaving for a trip nowadays

Years ago, when I used to travel a lot, things were much simpler. I only had my luggage to worry about, of course I had my business stuff (papers at first, portable computers didn’t exist till the mid-eighties, no cell phone) in my briefcase with the files I needed and this was pretty much it. 

There were no electric adapters, extra batteries to take, SD or sim cards to worry about. Just a paper airplane ticket did the trick. Sure there was a pouch with unused foreign banknotes and coins, but I could manage it well then. 

Today, with the multiplication of devices and gizmos, whenever I go on a trip for vacation, there is a huge check-list that has materialized and is still growing over the years. 

Sure the old iPod or large camera is no longer needed, but there’s a smartwatch charger in its place... 

As time goes by, what was supposed to make life easier is in fact making it much more complex!

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