Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Netanyahu, butcher of the Middle East

Just like Trump, Bibi Netanyhu wants to stay in power and has no desire to go to prison, his likely destination should he lose his political immunity. So in order to satisfy Israel’s extreme right, he’s bent on massacring or chasing the entire Palestinian population. 

Taking advantage of Biden’s weakness and of an upcoming US presidential election, he ignores pleas for negotiations with Hamas and Hezbollah, knowing full well that no one, in American or in Western European governments, will dare say anything and carries along with his destructive genocide, an obscene price to pay just for Netanyahu's political survival! 

With a per capita GDP of more than $50,000, just like Canada, Germany or the UK and more than France, Israel keeps on getting financial and military aid from the US. I’m sick and tired of seeing my tax dollars going to kill innocent Palestinians children and women. Wouldn’t you?

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