Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Daring to stare at reality

Sometime reality isn’t really something we want to look at, especially when we believe it could be very unpleasant. I guess, a preference for ignorance is something that can be traced back into early childhood and this always has been a fascinating phenomenon for me. Unpleasant matters are never attractive and as long as we can postpone that closer look at them, we can pretend that they don’t exist – yet. This is a perfect example of denial. It seems that uncovering realities that we know aren’t good takes such a Herculean effort that keeping on ignoring them might totally erase them, or at the very least, make them look a tiny bit better by the time they finally appear. In spite of all these inner battles, discovery has its benefits; it get us out of the dream state, makes us deal with what really exists, experience a salutary blast of pain, turn a new page and help us grow, but this takes so much courage and energy...

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