As we're ready to leave Maui and return back to our cold Utah mountains, we'll regret the gorgeous sunsets over the Pacific, but won't miss one droplet of the high humidity and one degree of the hot weather that have marked every day we've been there. The grueling part of course was to get going in the morning and accomplish our daily run. Usually, running for us is second nature, requires no thinking, no effort and never creates any sense of dread. That wasn't the case in Hawaii, where every morning run was another prowess to achieve, another Everest to conquer.
Sure, we were running alongside the ocean, among all kinds of exotic plants and flowers and amidst some magical scents. There was also that wonderful feeling on running on some four miles of boardwalk in...
Trex! But none of these mitigating factors was any help when we had to get going at 6 in the morning and put in motion limbs that felt so stiff and so unwilling to propel us forward. Another forgotten good reason why, for us, hot, humid and running don't mix well at all!
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