Sunday, February 7, 2010

Our so precious future

This is an old favorite of mine; the more we age, the less time we're left with and whatever remains becomes invaluable. At least it should, and I'm not saying this just to be cynical, but as we're absorbed by our day-to-day living, we often don't realize it and don't treasure it enough. At the same time, the list of unrealized projects and wishes keeps on piling up and we end up realizing that we neither have the time, the envy or the energy to tackle them all anymore. They become a mentally tiring proposition that we'd rather avoid facing than attempting to tackle.

Moving forward then becomes a matter of weeding out the undertakings that seem worth of what has become our incredibly finite time. While this concept could be seen as overwhelming, discouraging and even depressing by many, it's in fact another wonderful reason to appreciate life, the time we've left to live it and its increasingly priceless value!

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