Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Big opening at the UN...

In case you didn't know, Mr. Ban Ki-moon's mandate as the UN chief is up for renewal; from what I hear he enjoys the job and its perks and would like to stay for a second term. Let's assume for a minute that you
were postulating for that highly visible gig, what would you do? Where would you start? Do you think you'd do a better job than our current UN secretary general? Without much brain storming, I would think so, even if you never were a foreign minister of some nation big or small.

If you had a decent knowledge of foreign affairs and a compelling interest in earthly issues, a good dose of common sense, you would probably do a great job at handling your planetary responsibilities, identify a few priorities and begin working on them. You'd work with the nations that are willing to work with you and if not, would do anything in your power to persuade them that it's in their best interest. If some nations are still reluctant to participate, ignore you outright or behave badly, you'd put them on the spot, shame them if you had too and we would see the world focus increasingly placed on what goes on at the United Nations.

You see, Mr. Ban Ki-moon is probably a charming man, but he isn't doing much besides collecting his tax-free pay check and exposing the UN as an ineffective bureaucracy. Our governments are responsible for that sad state of affair, but evidently, no one has the guts to bring some change into that exclusive country-club, unless of course, they'd put you in charge!

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