Thursday, June 9, 2011

Staying in touch from faraway...

This is one of the topics that never ceases to fascinate me. Perhaps it is so because I do have a strong sense of how finite time is and how important it is to make each and every moment of our existence count. Specifically, I want to talk about keeping relationships alive and well. If you'd live in a small village, you'd frequently see people you know in the street, take the time to visit with your favorite ones (friends and relative) and would almost weave that function seamlessly into you day-to-day occupations.

When you're living far away, it's a totally different story and if you're into keeping in touch with people you know and appreciate, this becomes a real challenge, because chances are, you may be the only one seeking this contact and since you're also an odd-ball – by choosing to living away – in the first place, you'll get absolutely no credit for not being in the mainstream of routine living. Except for visiting in person every so often, the means of contact are limited to calling traditionally or via Skype, or send a note; but frankly who still write these days?

So you need to pedal faster, pick up the phone, make a physical effort to think about these other folks and repeat at nauseum. If you fail to keep that fire burning, it will probably be held against you as many of your contacts will hurry saying “Too bad we never hear from her...” or something like this. The question remain, what do they do to keep in touch? Probably nothing at all!

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