Friday, October 26, 2012

How I manage my expectations

Yesterday, it snowed, boy did it snow! We got close to 9 inches at our home in Park City and this morning, it was winter-wonderland... Does that mean that I'm bullish about snow this winter? Not at all.

Over the years I have (painfully) learned how to manage my expectations. I have set two categories: Things I control (even marginally) and things I don't. Mid and long-term weather expectations happen to fall into the latter category, which means that I have no expectation whatsoever in this area.

I only can be positively surprised and this is a wonderful thing. Anything I can control a tiny bit, I will try to influence if it happens to interest me. For the rest, I take a fatalistic – not religious - attitude and I say Insha'Allah (you probably know what this one means...)

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