Sunday, June 8, 2014

Why (many) ski resort residents act crazy?

Note that I haven't quite said “are crazy.” This is an observation that I've begun to make as we settled less than three months ago, into our new neigborhood that is just 700 yards away from our old house.

We found a lot of weird folks living near us and I must say that, near our previous home, there were some too, albeit slightly less. Now, do you care to hear my theory behind this?

Pretty simple. Many people who live in desirable areas of ski reorts are well to do, have everything and often believe that the more they can show in terms of house, car, recreational toys and lifestyle, the smarter and the happier they are.

By adopting that way of thinking, they suddenly reach the deep end of the insanity pool and, by normal sandards, simply act crazy. Avoiding that destiny can easily be achieved by constantly remembering where we're coming from, who we really are, and where we're headed at the end of this earthly sojourn.

Let's keep it that way!

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