Saturday, November 21, 2015

Liberating the fun factor

When you are raised in scarcity, told to care for your next of kin and have the Damocles sword of fear and prudence hanging over your head all of your life, it's very hard to let go and seize the moment in a carefree and selfish manner.

What I'm saying is that it's often too easy to deny ourselves what would really please us. I'm not talking about recklessness or hurting anyone in anyway, but just doing what seems to be fun, pleasurable and appropriate for the moment.

I've never quite looked at things quite this way. I've always taken a sliver of fun at a time while often feeling a bit guilty about it (some might take exception to my assessment, but remember, it's just mine!)
Seems like it might be time to start taking a much larger bite at it!

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