Monday, March 26, 2018

Where does religious faith come from?

I have been wrestling with that subject for quite some time, since that feeling never came naturally to me and failed to stay in me. It was imposed on me as it happens to be forced on to the kids the world over, but faith never took roots within me.

Perhaps was I too much of a rebel or I had already discovered that the hidden power of a fertile imagination could invent almost anything that I needed to cope.
So my conclusion has been that faith is just a seed, invented by some creative and charismatic prophet and produced to be planted – in the hope that it could germinate – into the mind of an insecure, frightened person, that is woefully unable accept the grim reality of existence.

To increase its chances of success, it must be planted in young subjects and be kept jealously away from the light of reason, science and truth; in other words, any form of rational education.

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