Saturday, March 31, 2018

Do you dig this Subaru?

Yesterday, I was done skiing and ready to head back home, when my glance was caught by that old Subaru Loyale with Colorado license plates, but much more importantly, sporting the complete and unblemished old “US Ski Team” official vehicle paint job, harking back to 1985.
Further, the little station wagon appeared to kept be in ultra-mint condition and seeing it was like being transported 33 years into my skiing past!

To the left of that antique Subie was a new one, and as I was about to leave the parking lot, its owner returned to his Outback, so I slowed down, rolled down my passenger window and shared my appreciation for the beautiful old car, plastered with ski memorabilia.

I said: “Great car, next to you, don't you agree!” He answered: “What's that?” (the man, about my age, seemed to be hard of hearing). I repeated my remark. The man heard it and grumbled: “I could care less about that car...”

Another unhappy man cruising the remainder of his life with an attitude!

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