Friday, November 22, 2019

Not getting any clearer!

This is what I thought after watching Wednesday night 5th Democratic Debate.
One would expect that as that form of selection process goes along, it sorts itself out and I was utterly disappointed when I realized that the cards had been reshuffled and that I was still confused about who I should vote for during the primary elections.

For reasons of age and vulnerability to Trump, I still don’t think Biden is a good choice. Sanders did much better than usual in that debate, but is still old, stodgy and continues to call himself a “socialist”.

Warren, with her subversive anger, her unrealistic plan and her wealth tax has lost much of her appeal to me. There’s now something in Buttigieg that doesn’t quite click with me and I have no longer faith in Harris.

Klobuchar would now be my favorite, but based on my recent experience, I might as well wait until the next debate to update my disorientation!

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