Tuesday, June 23, 2020

We got cut off!

If your livelihood depends on the telephone, whether you’re in sales or anywhere in management, you always want to fit that extra important call into your day, before you leave and go home.

That’s exactly what Madame Beyl, my former boss at Look ski bindings, did, as her CEO husband was about to make a speech before the entire personnel, prior to shutting down the plant for a whole month on the eve of the sacrosanct 1976 August vacation.

So here she was, in her office, chatting away with one of her favorite ski retailers while her presence was long requested by Monsieur Beyl. I was sitting across from her, biding my time, as she was about to discuss something with me, and had to wait for the phone conversation to come to an end.

Unable to find her near the stage where he was about to deliver his message, and knowing damn well what she was up to, he ran like a madman down the hall, irrupted furiously into her office, grabbed a pair of scissors laying on her desk and snapped her telephone cord!

A surprising, fast, effective and definite move!

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