Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Why do people have to lie?

I just discovered a video posted by a former work colleague of mine that he’s posted on GBCTV.NET.

It looks just like an interview, but its produced by an outfit that shoots them on demand to create a kind of legacy trail. It was just made recently during the Covid-19 lock-down.
In it, that fellow, who’s now 70 is reminiscing his entire career in a colorful, if not highly “embellished” fashion. Even though Trump has now “legalized” overt lying in our society, why is it that some folks like this guy has to lie or twist the truth in order to make him look so great? It just puzzles me...

At his age, he should have learned to stop behaving that way for quite a few years, realized that at the end of the day, only the most objective and true story-telling passes muster and is what the rest of the world is interested in…

Too bad!

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