Thursday, January 4, 2024

Are we becoming irrelevant at 75?

The holiday season is generally our biggest and more complete get-together of the year, and as we find ourselves in the midst of youth, we can often feel out of place and no longer at the exact same wave-length as the younger generations that surround us. 

Have we gradually become irrelevant, since our age is now perfectly visible and our contribution to the world around us is assumed to have stopped? Whatever the true answer is, this is frequently the impression that we perceive. We know that becoming irrelevant depends of course on what’s meant by "relevant" and our individual circumstances. We also know that what's relevant to one person or area might not be relevant to another.

Is it about contributing to society? maintaining personal connections? finding personal fulfillment? There can be specific answers to each one of these questions. What remains true is that, deep inside, there’s a huge value in our wisdom and experience. We’ve all lived through decades of change and seen numerous challenges, so our insights can be precious to younger generations. 

We also have skills and expertise to contribute, some of us still continue to work, even if it’s less, and pursue their passions and hobbies. We’re still available to our family with our love, our time and our view points to share and we still have plenty of room left to focus on personal growth and fulfillment. Sure, there are challenges and limitations that can get in the way. 

Some of us have to face physical or cognitive limitations that limit their participation in some activities. However, even with these challenges, there’s room for being engaged and connected. Ultimately, it is all about personal choice and adaptation: age is not an absolute signal if an individual keeps the mindset and willingness to adapt. It's a matter of individual choices, perspectives, and how we navigate the opportunities and challenges of aging. 

Our lives have meaning and value at any age. Let’s not allow anyone to tell us otherwise!

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