Friday, September 28, 2007

The "Do It Yourself" era

Now that I’ve time on my side, I’ve done a growing number of projects around the house and plan to do more in the future. A few years ago, it used to be work, work, work, and when something needed to be fixed or remodeled I would hire a skilled person. Today, with a much smaller home and much more time available, I do every small project that I believe I can handle. Often, I go on the internet and, without a fail, will find answers to my questions, series of helpful hints and complete sets of procedures. When I’m ready, I just have to purchase the right supplies and conduct the operation as directed. Not only do these little jobs end up costing me almost nothing, but I control their time frame and have a much better handle on their quality, not to mention cleaning up the mess when everything is done. I think I love it too!

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