Thursday, September 27, 2007

Is stress useful?

When I used to work for a paycheck, I had a lot of stress. Like many, I was expected to pull rabbits out of a hat and be a rainmaker. Mondays were hideous; they made me sweat bullets. I wasn’t saying “TGIF,” that a new week, full of impossible challenges was lurking through the weekend. Today, there’s far less stress in my life. A few challenging jobs around the house and my investment work are the only elements that bring some tension to my daily world. Practicing sports demands sometime a very high level of concentration, but you can’t call that stress; it’s in fact the opposite, a dumping ground for all that neurotic energy. Can I imagine a life without stress? I don’t think so. For me, some state of upheaval is a life necessity like love, food, water and wine. Oh yes, if you want a stress-free life, try going to heaven. Personally that’s not my thing; I am absolutely in no hurry to go. I like action and up there, boredom would kill me for good!

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