The nation’s goal should be to strike a balance between what we sell and what we purchase outside of the U.S. For instance, if we use China – our largest trade partner – as an example, in 2008 China exported $338 billion to the US while we managed to sell them just $71 billion, leaving a $266 billion gap. What I’m proposing is offer free trade (read no custom duties on anything) for Chinese goods entering the United States, as long as we can sell as much goods or services to China. That would mean that to maintain its duty-free privilege, China should have bought and extra $266 billion from us during the 2008 year.

This would be fair, self-regulating and quite simple and could be implemented by leaving the present custom agreements in place. Each trading partner would monitor its trading activity on a month-by-month basis, watch it and make every possible adjustment to keep, as much as possible, the exchange on a level playing field; the incentive would be powerful and we’d put and end to the endless rhetorical exchange meant to protect a few big US firms that are vehemently defended by their lobbyists before Congress. Before I dig deeper into this proposal’s details, does the concept make sense to you?
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