Early this week, somewhere between Afghanistan and Pakistan, a corpse turned into its grave. Because it rolled to the other side, I couldn’t see his face, but someone told me it was bin Laden and he was smiling. I usually don’t believe that dead people move and smile, but in this case I’d probably make an exception. He was smiling because he had finally made good on his 2004 threat that Al Qaeda would wreck the American and world economies, as the major stock markets tumbled and the Dow Jones index went under 7,000 points. Actually, Al Qaeda took unfair credit for the demolition derby undertaken by Messrs. Bush, Cheney and Greenspan, among others. These guys, with the complicity of bankers and realtors opened up the credit spigots all the way so the American people could get drunk on consumption by buying big homes and gas-guzzling cars they couldn’t afford, while we were playing Indiana Jones in Iraq and ignoring Palestine, the root cause of the real Middle-East crisis. Today, as a victorious Osama bin Laden rolls back to sleep for eternity*, we now have to rebuilt our broken nation and get out of Iraq and Afghanistan as fast as we can since we can’t no longer afford these costly overseas incursions.
* Those naïve souls who still believe bin Laden is alive are probably the same who’ve sighted Elvis Presley at the Mall last month…
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