Sunday, July 5, 2009

The “reset button”

These days, the term “reset button” is something we talk a lot about. I've first heard it in the context of US-Russian relationships, but soon after I heard the same applied to the financial crisis, the economy as well as personal re-invention. This kind of pipe-dream device is akin of catholic confession; you can mess-up a lot and in just one blink everything gets repaired and supposedly back to the point it stood before. Call it a miracle if you will, or something analogous to the “undo” button on your computer . Instead, I'm a believer that whatever gets torn apart needs first to be mended back to its previous state before it can be possible to resume any kind of function. So whether it's our relationship with the Russians or any other topic, there's no magic substitute for fixing things first and then making a sincere effort to rebuilt whatever was thrown into a state of disrepair...

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