Medicare works very well and goes a long way to satisfy its users. The problem is that it's going to further bankrupt our great nation simply because health care costs are between 60 to 100% of what they should be compared to countries with better health outcome, and when factoring our higher, per-capita GDP.
The reason why Obama wants to reform healthcare is to start bringing runaway costs down, but all the entities that are behind the outrageous price tag don't want to do anything. There are several components: Health insurance and their cortege of insurance agents, pharmaceutical and medical device suppliers, doctors and hospitals.
For the time being, these groups just want to buy themselves out of doing anything to change the status-quo, except bribing congress, and by zeroing in on health insurance reform, our president is attacking what seems the most egregious pillar of these uncontrolled expenses. The rest should logically follow. Again, there's plenty of room for tort reform and for offering free tuition to nurses and general practitioners (specialists are another breed, thus another story.)
Conservative Americans who support the right-extremist and republican approaches, feel that people should be able to fend for themselves, period. Yet, these same folks are generally calling themselves Christians, but can't obviously walk the talk. They're just good American hypocrites and speak from both sides of their mouth. In a civilized nation, health care should be a human right. While I don't always agree 100% with everything our new administration does, I have to say that we would infinitely be worse off under a John McCain presidency.
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