Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Is ignorance true bliss?

In the spring of 2001, I attended a class at Cornell University and among my adult classmates were the omnipresent Japanese students. At some point, the two girls asked me to show me my cell phone, I used then a pretty “dumb,” clunky Nokia, and when they saw it, they burst into a muffled laughter like only Japanese know how to... You see, back at the turn of the century Japanese already had “smart” phones and we had no idea those even existed. With them they did their banking, got into their home and much more.

The point of that observation is that unless someone has experienced innovation, progress or any kind of modernity, it's impossible to just describe it. That concept applies to Health Care; the French have such an advanced system, complete with a personal “smart” card that can keeps track of a patient's personal data and have the rest of their entire system so seamless that it would be anathema to try to describe to the average American. Closer to home and to deep into my skier's heart, the same French also have interconnected ski resorts which we could easily replicate, right here in Utah, but that's right, I need to level with my audience!

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