Thursday, June 7, 2012

Decline and Jubilee

It's finally over, the British Jubilee has been duly celebrated and all that pageantry as left me with the strong impression that, when a country is in strong decline, the only positive thing left to do is over-blow a trivial anniversary.
I mostly watched the news summary and one night, on Charlie Rose's show, as the question of the island decline was brought up, John F. Burns, one of the panelists and New York Time correspondent in London, said that wasn't true as British scientists could be found at all American research institutes (a sign of massive brain-drain, isn't it?) and that in Indy and Formula One, UK built chassis were still winning on the race tracks...

Pretty thin claim that indicates that in few decades, the old Empire, just like Greece today, will just be a popular tourist place. The Brits better keep the Royalty alive and kicking by then!

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