Saturday, March 30, 2013

It's all about Lasting!

There are many stages to our lives; in fact, there may be as many as one can imagine or think there are. As far as I am concerned, I three three of them that are meaningful.

During our formative years and our youth, we're all trying hard to assert our place in society. Then, later on, we're doing the best we can to achieve and be the kind of people we think they can be.

Finally, there is another stage where too many of us who can reach it tend to quit hoping, stop making plans and becoming grumpy. This highly enjoyable times in one's life is all about lasting. I have not said survive or struggle.

It's lasting, staying relevant, looking forward to tomorrow by making plans, having projects and desiring something. If you delve into it, you'll discover that lasting can be both an art and a technique!

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