Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Teach your children...

No, it's not the famous song by Graham Nash, but instead the best way to teach small kids how to ski, when they're been instructed individually. You see, my experience in teaching small kids in a private lesson setting is limited to a few short months during the 69-70 winter season and that's about it.

I taught my children, of course, but by using my own method and borrowing tools and strategies I had seen other folks use, such as leash, harness and edgie wedgie, which after all, may not be such a good idea.

This time again, I tried this technique with my 5 year old grandson and they didn't work too well, until I asked a old friend of mine who has taught kids to ski for half a century; she gave me the “pole-tip” which she says work better than anything she's ever seen or tried. Next time, I'll put her tip to the test!

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