Thursday, December 18, 2014

Whatever happened to Fidel?

I never was a fan of Fidel Castro, but in recent years, I liked him a tad better because he had traded his trademark military fatigue for a collection of Adidas training suits. I never saw him wearing Nike garments and I can easily understand why.

My point is that when some rapprochement is taking place between Cuba and the USA, we'll miss not seeing the legendary revolutionary. So my mind is racing, almost out of control. I'm asking myself: “Is Fidel dead?” Has he been stored inside some refrigerated storage chamber or has someone performed taxidermy on the old soldier?

These are not far-fetched assumptions as the same situation had befallen Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko before, who both died on the job at the helm of the Soviet Union. Sure, Fidel could have a debilitating illness and be taken off the view of his people.

I still believe though that he is gone and that his little brother is scrambling to find a way to explain his disappearance to his constituents. Well, he can always blame Putin!

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