Monday, May 4, 2015

The huge restaurant check

Last night I dreamed that for some strange reasons, the former Look employees and various work associates had randomly met at some restaurant. The atmosphere was fun, festive, nothing like the day-to-day Look business used to be, and everything was quite pleasant.

When we had our fill and were all ready to leave, I finally asked for the check. I feared to see the bill and for some reason, it didn't occur to me that it should have been split between all the diners, but when I opened the folder, I saw that it amounted to almost three thousand dollars. Fortunately, it included a 18% tip, so that made it a bit more palatable.

Then to my great relief and understandable disbelief, Gary Petrich, who sat right to my left at the table, said: “Don't worry, I'll do it!” and grabbed the folder off my hand. I replied: “Thanks, Gary, but you didn't have to!”

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