Monday, April 22, 2019

What are these folks having in common?

The obvious answer is that they're old.

In case you've forgotten, old is the opposite of new. I personally prefer new over old, whether it's yogurts, automobiles, planes and clothes.

Humanly speaking, one could say that Trump, Mugabe, Biden, Bouteflika, Queen Elizabeth, Sanders and al-Bashir among others, are of the resilient types that enjoy leading regardless of their age and abilities.

They absolutely don't want to let go and leave their jobs to younger, more talented people. They believe they're the best and ought to be in charge.

I respectfully disagree and am in a very good spot to attest that, after 70, one should be retired and perhaps, at best, advising, but not leading.

The French, in spite of their mixed opinions about their 41 years old Emmanuel Macron, don't know how lucky they are!

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