Saturday, February 8, 2020

Democratic options

Following the (almost) final Iowa results of the first Democratic primary caucus, we have two left-leaning candidates with 44% of the votes up against the rest of the field, that are mostly centrists or moderates, with the remaining 56%.
This suggests that either Biden or Buttigieg should get that block’s support and win the nomination. The problem with that hypothesis is that both don’t have what it takes to stand to Trump.

In addition, Biden is fading fast and Buttigieg is gay, too young and lack a solid experience. Klobuchar, I believe, doesn’t have the persona to steal the show from these two men.

This leaves a huge opening for Bloomberg who is the best equipped to crush Trump and bring the required amount of credibility needed to galvanize the centrist Republicans and most of the Independents.

Sure, the die-hard Sanders supporters might not the show up at the polls, nor would some African-Americans supporting Biden, but the anti-Trump from the right and the independent would largely make up for these lost votes.

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