Friday, February 21, 2020

Ninth debate: Here comes Bloomberg

Expectations were high for Mike Bloomberg to shine, but he failed to impress. Looking a bit like a fish out of water, he got pelted with attacks, reacted the best he could, but failed to produce a miracle.
I must say that this debate from NBC channel was very poorly moderated and was a free for all for both Klobuchar and Warren.

The latter jumped on the opportunity to be super-aggressive, while Buttigieg defended himself pretty well, Sanders doubled up on his American Socialism, Klobuchar, the smart Alec, lost some of her effectiveness and credibility, while Joe Biden continued his deadly slide, barely able to sell his past experience.

Once more, the Democratic Party is trying to cook an award-winning meal with poor ingredients. Either not ripe or far too wilted. Can Bloomberg walk the talk of his ads at the next debate?

This remains to be seen. In the meantime, we better get ready for a long, painful and uncertain battle that will last well thru the mid-July convention.

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