Sunday, September 6, 2020

At last, upgrading to King!

In more than four decades of married life in America, we’ve always managed to sleep in a Queen size bed (60 inches wide and 80 inches long) and were quite happy, until our children and some friends suggested that we we missing big and ought to finally upgrade to a wider King size bed (76 inches wide that is a nice 16 inches extra space). 

Interestingly, both sizes were created and put on the market at about the same time. While not extremely spacious, our bedroom size could easily handle a larger bed, and yet we were still both skeptical and hesitant.

Then, we ended up saying: “What the hell!” and made the switch. The larger bed came along with a new “hybrid” mattress, made of latex and springs that was said to be lighter and cooler as well. 

We’ve now been sleeping for more than two weeks in that new set up and can attest that our quality of sleep as markedly improved. We now enjoy the pleasant option of sharing a larger bed without disturbing our sleeping mate as we move around in the bed or have to get up while the other is still asleep. 

We simply love it and are gratified by our good choice and especially by the sound advice that came to us from folks who knew better. It always pays to listen and experiment!

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