Monday, September 14, 2020

Efficiency vs. Effectiveness

The two words sound about the same and almost mean the same, but not quite. In fact, their meaning is quite different. As a result, both are often misused and misinterpreted and because of that, I wanted to take the time to go to the bottom of their respective meaning. 

According to the dictionary, that’s how they officially compare: 

Effective: “Adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result.” 

Efficient: “Performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort.” 

A simpler way to put it is to say that the difference between effectiveness and efficiency goes like this: Being effective is doing the right things, while being efficient is doing things right. A graphic way to look at that difference is through the above table used to illustrate it. 

The place where we want to be is the top right box. In other words, we want to go after the right objectives, or doing what really counts and being efficient, by making use of the best available tools, without wasting time, and doing everything as perfectly as possible.

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