Thursday, August 12, 2021

Believing in God, Siri, Alexa or Google?

What do you believe in? Who do you believe most? Where do you get answers to your most important questions? 

Is it from your God, your Mom, Dad, Partner or your school? Based on recent polls, America’s church attendance and belief in God is declining steadily. 

A good question would be “Are these beliefs sliding towards someone or something else?” Obviously, like for many folks, lots of my questions get some answer through Google, like others might get it through Alexa or Siri.

Have these sources become the new Gods and along with Wikipedia, our compass of truth? I’d say yes, since I don’t give much credence to other conspiracy theories and “Q anon-like” movements. 

In truth, We turn to these search tools more often than we turn for answers to our fathers, mothers, friends or spiritual leaders if we happen to have some. Not just our little secrets, but everything. 

I recently read that fifteen percent of all Google queries are new; they’ve never been searched before, which means that we are not at the end of our learning curve. 

Since God has never talked to me, during my dreams or my waking hours, I am left to rely on my voice-assistant and ask: “Hey Google, what am I doing here, on earth?”

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