Monday, August 30, 2021

The Army we have…

The late Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld famously declared, "You go to war with the Army you have." I guess, based on that kind of comment, our army was less than prepared and competent at the onset of the Afghan and Iraq wars. 

Did it get better? Not as far as both theaters operations were concerned based on the time we got stuck there, all the casualties and the obscene price-tag of these adventures. 

That’s why I’d now tend to agree with Rumsfeld, as our military performance has equally failed to impress me, particularly the last two decades in Afghanistan, pacifying the population and training a new army at the tune of more than 2 trillion dollars for each war! 

The top brass kept on promising us that the cultural turn-around of that backward country was always “around the corner” and that the following month would see some definite progress. Had Biden not pulled the plug on this serial incompetence, we could have stayed in that place for another 30 years without seeing one once of improvement. 

Of course, now it’s Biden’s turn to be blamed when whatever blame that must be parceled out, ought to be placed on back of the most costly military institution in the world. If this is not woeful incompetence on the part of our generals present and past, I don’t know what is.

Today, in view of that total failure, lack of good judgment and sound plans, I wonder if there’s any working strategy left to defend our country if it suddenly fell under attack...

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