Saturday, August 7, 2021

Review of Bill Gates’ book on climate

Just before his marital problems surfaced, Bill Gates had introduced his book “How to avoid a climate disaster” on the various American radio and TV talk shows. 

It probably would have been more successful had his troubled marriage not thrown a monkey-wrench into his work. Still, it sounded both intriguing and interesting, so I decided to read it. 

In it, Gates explains what’s happening with greenhouse gases and brushes up a pretty strong case for completely getting rid of them by 2050. 

Yet, like the rest of the so-call experts in the field, he totally ignores the real cause of all the ills that are causing pollution and global warming, namely the planet overpopulation. 

He’s a businessman who believes that quantity of people is what keep the economy afloat, regardless of what a more qualitative measurement could contribute positively. He also counts on governments to take the lead at implemented the policies he advocates. Good luck with that one too. 

In summary, some great information about the subject, some good intentions in terms of tackling the problem, but a systematic denial of what messes up the planet: Continuing to add too many polluting humans into its limited space!

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