Saturday, August 14, 2021

My take on the Tokyo Olympics

Unlike what I announced earlier, we watched more Olympic TV than we first anticipated and we enjoyed most of what we saw. What did we see? Mostly gymnastics, swimming and some track and field. 

I was pretty tired of it all by the end though, and I’d like to offer a few comments to Thomas Bach and his friends who reign supreme inside their Lausanne brand new Babel Tower, over in Switzerland.

First the Games are bloated with 339 events, representing 33 different sports. Five are new sports entirely (baseball/softball, skateboarding, surfing, sport climbing and karate), while others see the inclusion of new events within the discipline. 

Nothing has been dropped since 2016, which also saw the return of golf and rugby. With such a plethora of things to see, most folks get a headache, just like when they go shopping for too long and see way too much stuff. 

So, my prayer to Mr. Bach goes something like this: “Can you cut that number of events down to 50 and fit them all within one week, please?” I doubt my demand will ever be satisfied, unless you and everyone else scream that too much is finally too much.

If not, expect to see an Olympic hot-dog eating contest before you die!

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