Monday, April 22, 2024

Less plastics on Earth Day…

Today is Earth Day, and it’s one of the year’s most important celebrations to me. I love and appreciate the planet upon which I stand, and I feel that it deserves all the tender love and care we can give her. I wish political leaders of all stripes would begin paying more attention to protecting her, but they won’t. They are too short-term oriented as their time horizon is, in most cases, limited to their next mandate.

This year, the theme is all about plastics, their meteoric spread and the dangers they bring. I’ve always been in love with plastic, but the present day is proving me dead wrong. The question is, what can sustainably replace the plethora of plastics humanity is now using? Possibly more plastic-like materials derived from renewable biomass sources like corn starch or sugarcane? 

While those aren’t perfect, (they still need processing and won’t biodegrade in all environments), they could be composted in industrial facilities under specific conditions. Polylactic Acid (PLA) is one of them, made from corn starch, used for packaging, utensils, and even 3D printing filaments. There are also cellulose-based materials derived from wood pulp or other plant sources that can be molded into packaging trays, cups, and various items. 

Finally there are mushroom based solutions, with the fiber network fungi grows, it could be used to create packaging materials, even leather alternatives. These solutions aren’t widespread yet and in the meantime we should focus on reusable and refillable solutions (containers, bottles, bags), reduce plastic materials whenever possible, design easy disassembly and improve recycling technology. 

In terms of future research, we must get inspiration from nature (spider silk, seashells, etc.) or devise entirely new materials. Let’s wish that we can get rid of that pesky plastic and Happy Earth Day 2024 to all!

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