Thursday, December 27, 2007

In search of harmony

Harmony is such a neat concept; I’m not talking about the musical meanings of the word, but rather that of friendly agreement and pleasant arrangement of things or circumstances. There is no question that a harmonious life is both more desirable and fulfilling than a chaotic one, and the main satisfaction comes from the common good, in that case, that of the of the people or the element that are part of the harmonious collaboration. Like for its musical counterpart, harmony requires a lot of preparation, attention, goodwill and give and take. If these ingredients aren’t present, it won’t happen. Harmony is a smooth ride without potholes or unexpected bump. Will it be boring that way? Not necessarily; we retain the option of adjusting it from pure tranquility to a series of ups and downs of various amplitudes, all seamless and nimble, to produce some exhilarating sensations!

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