…time, money, efforts, work or pain than anticipated! As an incorrigible optimist, I always figure that it will take me half the time needed to accomplish most tasks whether routine or new, and when all is said and done, I often miss the deadline. I know that I have a lot of company in that category but it’s a poor excuse to keep on underestimating... I must confess however that I’m much better at managing money than time. For instance, when I’m budgeting, I always overestimate expenses, underestimate income and end up in pretty good shape. And it’s not just budgeting; all other money-related issues see - most often than not - a positive outcome. So here I am; I’m not giving time the credit and value it justly deserves. I have absolutely no excuse because I’m the one who always preach about its sacred value. It’s now time for me to start walking the talk!
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