It now appears that the former ruler of Pakistan’s armies will begin working in Deer Valley starting next season as his H2B visa application has been approved. “I set my eyes on Deer Valley” said Musharraf “because I wanted to learn how to glide on snow, on the account of their Nr. 1 ranking with Ski Magazine and that none of my enemies will

English also told a reporter that originally, Musharraf had asked for either a snow-making position or a snow-grooming job, but Deer Valley’s president Bob Wheaton, thought - as he put it - that “giving Pervez access to snow-guns would be like playing with fire” and having him work amidst a fleet of snow groomers looking like tanks might someday “give our employee the false impression that it might be okay to invade neighboring Park City Mountain Resort or even Brighton” continued Wheaton. One thing is certain; Mr. Musharraf is pleased with his new appointment. “I’ve always been a friend of America and can’t really live without wearing a uniform, besides I’ll be able to see my son who lives in Silicon Valley a bit more often.”
Some photographs have already circulated showing him in the resort’s uniform and wearing his war decorations. Marketing director Colleen Reardon commented that “it would be alright since most visitors are likely to think that this decorative hardware is a neat row of ski pins or a remnant of the Olympics.” No matter what his employer’s representatives are saying, Pervez Musharraf is delighted; “these mountains remind me of Kashmir” he says. As president of Pakistan and short of seeing his election nullified by a re-instated Supreme Court, Mr. Musharraf still controls the nukes in his country. When ask as to whether he’ll bring the “nuclear briefcase” along to the Wasatch Mountains, he replied “I’m not going to worry about that; I’ll leave it home with my wife Sehba, and hopefully we won’t have to use it for the few months I’ll be working here...”
After falling from a mango tree when he was a teenager, Mr. Musharraf was extremely traumatized and as a result never learned to ski, but always thought that snowboarding was much cooler, more in line with his direct style and proffered that at the final Deer Valley job interview. Needless to say that this statement was rather awkward for Bob Wheaton and his management team to hear, as they have no desire to create a precedent just because a former Pakistani military leader might want to drags his knuckles on the way to work. A compromise of sort was found when a local Frenchman stepped out to resolve the situation by letting the new Deer Valley “lifty” use his monoski for the season and learn to get to and back from work on that special board. So everyone is now happy and Mr. Musharraf can’t wait to start next December…
I think that Vail would want him too, and with the security in Broomfield, Mr. Katz et al would feel safe. And he can snowboard here…
After having spent the most glorious winter in 25 years in DV I returned to the Bay Area today. As it is April Fools Day I decided to stop in the Castro District of SF for breakfast, and much to my surprise I was waited on by no other than Ahmadinejad. There he was in all his Islamofascist glory among the leather queens, and dykes on bikes taking orders for pankcakes and sausage. Apparently he received his A2M visa so he could get his hands around the meat of the gay problem that is unique to the US.
He was assisted in his visa application by Heber Smith the former Utah Smut Czar notorious for having closed Park City's only video store with a porn section. Apparently Heber was offended by "the worst two hours of porn" he had ever seen after checking out several gay and straight videos in Park City. Despite Claudio Vianello's offer to show Heber some "good porn" such a B&D, golden showers, or whatever rocked his socks Heber made an alliance with Ahmadinejad to eradicate porn and especially homosexuality from Park City to Teheran.
After landing in JFK Ahmadinejad bent over backwards not to offend anyone in NYC's Christopher Street. Ahmadinejad than embarked on the Hershey Highway through the city of Brotherly Love to San Francisco whose patron Saint is St Francis of the Sissy's another debauched member of the Church of the Great Satan. Ahmadinejad states that he plans to visit a few leather and S&M bars to learn how to administer discipline to those who waver from the paths of righteousness. When I asked what he recommends for breakfast ke said "the sausage is marvelous".
Next year I expect that we will see the opening of an Afghani restaurant with Osama bin Laden as the maitre d.
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