Ever since we’ve owned our small house, we’ve been doing a new improvement each year. Next spring won’t be an exception; in April or May, we’ll redo our furnace room and upgrade our heating and hot-water systems to state of the art and much “greener” equipment. So this week, we started the bidding process for this remodeling job and, as of yesterday, had already seen four contractors. It’s amazing how each one approaches the task; some are pontificating and seem fixated on certain issues, others take abundant photographs and want us to do the job right away. Only one out of the three first contractors we saw stood out by his thoughtfulness and his grounded attitude; all the others displayed some “suspect” traits. That was until a fourth one came late afternoon, barely took five minutes to seize the scope of the project before declaring: “This will cost you $11,300; call me when you want to start.” No calculator, no paper, just these exacting figures… Some Park City contractors are real geniuses!
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