These days, the topics of discussion are the financial, economic and environmental crisis. Oh yes, you still hear about terrorism (Mumbai) and illegal immigration, yet there’s something that stand behind all of these ills and it’s the world overpopulation. Humanity on planet Earth is like150 people riding in a bus made to carry a maximum of 35 of them, including the driver. There are passengers all over; hanging on the sides, squatting over the roof gallery, filling up the aisle and invading the driver’s space. If God wasn’t such a terrible absentee manager, he would have long brought some order to that mess. That’s right fighting global warming, wild immigration and dirty waters are as many “Band Aids” as we can think of. Addressing the real cause is going after the crowding of the earth. If we want to save the planet, we need to grasp that basic truth that stares us in the face and yet that no one wants to see. We need to educate our friends about it by making them understand that their quality of life and the survival of their offspring starts there. I’m not finished with the topic; you’ll read more of it very soon, but for today, begin by telling a friend or two about the concept…
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