You probably recycle religiously and already run all your errands with a special canvass bag; you may drive a hybrid or commute to work on your bike or by using public transportation, and yes, I forgot, you replaced all your incandescent light bulbs with new, efficient ones, so you’re feeling a bit better as you’re doing your share to improve our planet’s chances of survival. The problem is that you’re sticking your finger into a hole of the proverbial dyke hoping it will hold. You’re in the “band aid” mode. While it’s okay to keep on doing all of these nice things, you need to do much more than that; you must start believing that we need to do something about overpopulation which is the cause of all that environmental disaster. I believe that if many more of us understood that we’re overcrowding our earth, we’d start communicating that to our neighbors, our politicians and all the philanthropists and folks with good intentions but no idea on how to channel them. Well orchestrated, that pressure may turn into a tsunami that will go a long way to influencing religious leaders who still believe that “multiplying” is a laudable goal and also convince the world at large, that a massive and sensible education will eventually relieve the pressure of unsustainable birth rates. You see, just like with smoking cessation, we can’t force people, we need to help them see the light and grasp the truth. We’ll do it by bringing the subject to the attention of the many. Now, that’s also being “green” but this time, it will make a huge difference…
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