Since the end of July, I’ve been struck by a mysterious pain, right above my heart and quite peculiar in the sense that it begins very early in the morning, around 2 am, peaks at about 4, and then lingers on through the morning. After undergoing cat-scan, echography plus other complicated and expensive medical testing, doctors have fail to find anything, including my car keys lost some ten years ago. That absence of definite result has left me immensely frustrated, until last night, when I finally realized that someone, probably living between Norway and South Africa (if that character works during the day) was poking my voodoo statuesque representation with a needle right where the heart is. That theory sounds acceptable to me and I only wonder why my tormentor is only hitting the left side of my chest and never pricking my belly or my neck, among other sensitive spots; thanks god the needle tip is rather dull, blunting the pain! Furthermore that guy never takes a day off and is incredibly consistent with the treatment. In days in which it’s so hard to find reliable help, that voodoo doll operator would have no problem getting a full-time job, but then, what would I do and say without that familiar, daily heartache?
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