Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cleaning up politics

A couple of nights ago, we went out to see “Inside Job,” yet another documentary about the financial collapse of 2008. While we knew, through hearing the story over and over again, all the maddening details that led to this mess, we went home with the conviction that our current political system was the number one culprit. Let me clarify; right from the start of his presidency, Obama choose to surround himself with a bunch of “foxes” that he put in charge of the coop, like Summers, Geithner and of course the seemingly incompetent Bernanke that he re-appointed as the head of the Fed.
The reason for these appointments is the huge influence Wall Street has gained over politics by “buying” our politicians and our political system; today, they run the financial side of the economy as they please. This shines yet another light on how to improve our corrupt political system that is no longer serving the people but only at the orders of the major corporations and the entire financial system. Just like preserving our environment passes by curbing population growth, reaching public funding of our election process is our badly needed political priority. Unless this issue is ever resolved, we are we to lecturing Laurent Gbagbo to step down from his usurped position of power in Ivory Coast?

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